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Art Talk with Featured Artist Kuria Jorissen

Hello Everyone!  Our fabulous art curator (and amazing artist-to-boot!), Andrea Lewicki, toured the Dane Styles studio with our featured artist, Kuria Jorissen during this month’s Art Talk night. Kuria, creator of Call of the Mountain Photography, shared her...

The Silver Lining

Meet Jewelry Designer Karen Sims Deady! Hello Everyone! As you know, the last several blogs are all about my tribe—those that contribute to the success of my business and help it thrive. It takes a village, that’s for sure! Each person I highlight are superstar...

A Serendipitous March Spotlight

Snohomish Apothecary’s Mindy Westfall Gives Us Just What We Need! Hello everyone! I am super excited about our March Spotlight. I first met Mindy Westfall at a Snohomish Womens’ Network meeting at Randolph Cellars (shout out!!). It was more curiosity than circumstance...

Business Sense: A Spotlight with Tom Hughes

Hello everyone! This month’s spotlight is for all my small business owners out there. Let me introduce Tom Hughes—client, friend, and one of the most reputable businessmen I know.  I first met Tom in his bathroom. Yes, you read that right! I was actually doing hair...

Let’s Get Social—Team Spotlight with Sarah Dylan Jensen

Hello Everyone!  Part of my wellness journey is to surround myself with positive and inspiring people. Sarah Dylan Jensen reflects this in every way. She’s a business owner and manages three local farmers markets (Snohomish, Lake Stevens and Stanwood!). Rain or...

Failing to Succeed

Hello everyone! I recently wrote about my passion for holistic wellness–working on the body from the inside out. This week, I’m sharing a newfound obsession—the Super-Slow Style workout.  I’ve tried just about every workout there is. From brutal sets at Crossfit, to...