360.618.1886 danestyles@gmail.com

When you see your stylist, what do you talk about?

Year after year, no matter the stylist, no matter the client’s age or gender, the concern clients bring up remains the same. It’s an issue on everyone’s mind but it only comes up in the stylist’s chair because that’s when there is the most attention on your hair.

What do you think it is?

Dandruff, split ends? Dry hair, greasy hair, frizzy hair?

Here’s a hint: it’s none of those things.

The number one concern is hair loss or thinning hair. It’s also the most complex concern to address. We can cut and style your hair to make it less obvious. We can tell you to wash your hair less often, to put less heavy product in your hair so you get as much volume as possible from what you have. But you know as well as your stylist that only goes so far.

Your DANESTYLES stylist has a lot of knowledge to drop about hair loss. Watch for upcoming posts to learn about the reasons for hair loss (it’s really one big reason) and what we can do to help.